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A.S. 58years old from Nuneaton

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“My medication stopped suddenly at the beginning of lockdown and I became very ill.  I had absolutely horrendous hallucinations and horrible intrusive voices and thoughts.  I had lost interest in everything, didn’t get dressed, didn’t shower, didn’t bother with eating, I laid on the settee and left the back door open for the dogs.  I felt I was better off dead and took an overdose, but then called the ambulance. 

My GP referred me to Social Prescribing who called me up within a week and then referred me to Arty-Folks Art for Wellbeing.  I had never used Zoom before but they helped me and now art has become a big part of my life.  When I’m stressed the voices come back but I have a few art projects on the go that distract.  I’ve never done so much art in my life! 

Gradually over the time with Arty-Folks the blackness started to lift and positive emotions came back. I can get through life now and I’ve made new friends.  I hadn’t been in Nuneaton town centre for 2 years but now I meet my arty friends and it has lifted my self-esteem.  I can be creative and I’m enjoying it, and that’s all that matters.”:

Contact details for Arty Folks

Tel: 02476 414740
Mobile: 07443 643634
Facebook: #ArtyFolksCov
Twitter: @ArtyFolks
LInkedIn: Arty-Folks

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